AES PNW Tour of the Leo Kreielsheimer Theatre
March 24, 1997
Photos by Rick Smargiassi

Jeff Sanderson, systems designer at CCI, describes the sound, video,
headset and assistive listening systems at the Leo Kreielsheimer Jewel
Box Theatre located at Seattle Center.

Steve Collins operates the Level Control Systems Macintosh interface computer (left) as Mark Pearson, project manager at CCI, and Jeff Sanderson (right) describe how the audio routing system works.

Mark Pearson gives attendees a tour of the system racks containing the power amplifiers for the various special effect speakers located throughout the theatre, the Crown IQ system that controls the backstage dressing room speaker system, and the assistive
listening system.

A view of the computer screens for the LCS audio routing system.

Jeff Sanderson addresses AES attendees.