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PNW AES Zoom Meetings and zoom URLWe started holding our meetings via Zoom beginning with the April 2020 meeting. Zoom has dramatically increased our reach, well beyond our Section's geographic area. Since doing this, we've had attendees from Canada, and as far away as Indonesia, and Australia. Zoom gives the ability to record our meetings, and those recordings will be posted in our past meetings Archive. For now, video from our Zoom meetings can be found (mostly) at Dan Mortensen's YouTube channel.We use EventBrite to manage our free tickets to meetings. You need to RSVP for yours via the following link. EventBrite sends an email with the Zoom link 2-days, the morning of the event, and 2-hours before the event. Set your email program to recognize the email so it doesn't get shoved into your spam folder. When you register at EventBrite and when you enter the Zoom meeting, please use your real first and last names so we can get to know each other. You do NOT need to create an EventBrite account to register.
Please NoteIn order to maintain decorum and avoid interruptions, even unintended ones, we have established a few ground rules for meeting attendees:
Greg Dixon
n.b. The material presented at our meetings is the opinion of the presenter and not necessarily that of the Society. You are encouraged to conduct your own research and to form your own opinions before adopting the presented material as Truth.
If you would like to be notified in advance of our meetings, you can
sign up to be notified via email using the link at the right.
Please note that we no longer send anything via USPS.
Our meetings are open to anyone interested in Audio. AES membership is NOT required for you to attend our meetings. If you have a topic that you would like to present at a
Section meeting, or if you have a topic that you would
like presented at a Section meeting, please contact the Section Chair or
any officer or Committee member.
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The Audio Engineering Society, now in its seventh decade, is the only professional society devoted exclusively to audio technology. Its membership of leading engineers, scientists and other authorities has increased dramatically throughout the world, greatly boosting the society's stature and that of its members in a truly symbiotic relationship. |
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Last modified 03/17/2022 17:03:33.