Tainter Patents to 1886

  1. Patent 235,496 granted 1880/12/14 - Photophone
  2. Patent 235,497 granted 1880/12/14 - Selenium cells
  3. Patent 235,590 granted 1880/12/14 - Selenium cells
  4. Patent 341,212 granted 1886/05/04 - the air-jet recorder
  5. Patent 341,214 granted 1886/05/04 - the basic graphophone patent

1. Photophone patent 235,496 granted 1880/12/14

Photophone Transmitter - Bell & Tainter patent 235,496 granted 1880/12/14
from Tainter Papers, NMAH
Photophone Transmitter - Bell & Tainter patent 235,496 granted 1880/12/14
from Tainter Papers, NMAH

2. Patent 235,497 granted 1880/12/14 - Selenium cells

Selenium Cells - Bell & Tainter patent 235,497 granted 1880/12/14
from Tainter Papers, NMAH

3. Patent 235,590 granted 1880/12/14 - Selenium cells

Selenium Cells - Tainter patent 235,590 granted 1880/12/14
from Tainter Papers, NMAH

4. Tainter patent 341,212 - Reproducing sounds from phonograph records 1886/05/04

Tainter patent 341,212 granted 1886/05/04
from Tainter Papers, NMAH
Tainter patent 341,212 granted 1886/05/04
from Tainter Papers, NMAH
Tainter patent 341,212 granted 1886/05/04
from Tainter Papers, NMAH
Tainter patent 341,212 granted 1886/05/04
from Tainter Papers, NMAH

5. Patent 341,214 granted 1886/05/04 - the basic graphophone patent

Source: Tainter Papers, Smithsonian National Museum of American History, Washington, D. C.

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